Utilization of currently unused residual green materials, CO2 and renewable energy by new technologies to green fuels and valuable materials

We are biogeniV! (German trailor)

WIR!-alliances Workshop "regional synergies of bioeconomy" | INP-Greifswald

On the initiative of biogeniV & Plant3, a nationwide exchange of the WIR! alliances ArtIFARM, biogeniV, bioZ, INGRAIN, Land-Innovation-Lausitz, Land.Vision, Physics for Food, Plant3 and Waste2Value took place on 19.06.2024 at the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology e.V. (INP) in Greifswald under further supervision of the Project Management Agency Jülich (Berlin) and the WIR! accompanying research (RWTH Aachen University).

In addition to regional value chains, various strategic approaches to residual material cycles, energy / material recovery, training opportunities and alliance-consolidation were discussed, which act as a prelude to long-term synergies.



New IKEM study on methanol published | Berlin

As part of the biogeniV project "basic biorefinery concept", partners of the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) have published a legal study on the basic chemical methanol with a focus on green methanol. The study provides an overall life cycle overview of the basic chemical from production/color theory through the various traditional production methods to the advanced production of green methanol. At the same time, the study provides information on issues relevant to the approval of green methanol generation plants, the eligibility of greenhouse gas reduction quotas and possible applications using the example of the heavy commercial vehicle sector. The study can be downloaded in German language free of charge utilizing the following link.


4th alliance's assembly & 5th advisory Board Meeting | HOST Stralsund

On 23.05.2024, this year's 4th biogeniV alliances assembly took place at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences. In addition to current biogeniV projects of the 1st implementation phase, future biogeniV follow-up projects were successfully evaluated together as part of the 2nd implementation phase from 2025.

On 24.05.2024, at the 5th biogeniV advisory board meeting, also at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, existing project ideas for the 2nd implementation phase were discussed with the biogeniV advisory board.

We would like to thank all participants for the productive exchange!